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Lot 529 - A pair of BACHMANN OO gauge steam locomotives...
Sold for £50 Estimated at £60 - £80
Lot 530 - A group of three OO gauge steam locomotives by...
Sold for £42 Estimated at £50 - £70
Lot 531 - A large quantity of mixed MAINLINE OO gauge...
Sold for £80 Estimated at £60 - £80
Lot 532 - A group of three OO gauge steam locomotives...
Sold for £35 Estimated at £50 - £70
Lot 533 - A mixed group of HORNBY OO gauge locomotives...
Lot 534 - A pair of HORNBY OO gauge steam locomotives...
Sold for £60 Estimated at £50 - £70
Lot 535 - A pair of OO gauge steam locomotives...
Sold for £50 Estimated at £50 - £70
Lot 536 - A BACHMANN OO gauge 31-779 Hall Class steam...
Lot 537 - A WRENN OO gauge W2241 Duchess class steam...
Sold for £75 Estimated at £50 - £70
Lot 538 - A WRENN W2227 OO gauge Duchess Class steam...
Sold for £40 Estimated at £40 - £60
Lot 539 - A WRENN W2240 OO gauge Class 8F steam...
Sold for £65 Estimated at £40 - £60
Lot 540 - A WRENN W2226 OO gauge Duchess Class...
Lot 541 - A WRENN OO gauge W2212 Class A4 steam...
Sold for £60 Estimated at £40 - £60
Lot 542 - A TRIX TWIN OO/HO gauge LNER Express Passenger...
Sold for £30 Estimated at £40 - £60
Lot 543 - A group of three AIRFIX OO gauge model GWR...
Sold for £40 Estimated at £50 - £70
Lot 544 - A group of OO gauge steam locomotives by...
Lot 545 - A group of mixed unboxed OO gauge diesel and...
Sold for £95 Estimated at £60 - £80
Lot 546 - An unboxed OO gauge WRENN W2261 Royal Scot...
Sold for £150 Estimated at £70 - £90
Lot 547 - A large group of unboxed OO gauge steam...
Sold for £130 Estimated at £80 - £120
Lot 548 - A large group of OO gauge steam locomotives by...
Lot 549 - A group of three OO gauge HORNBY and TRIANG...
Sold for £75 Estimated at £60 - £80
Lot 550 - A group of three OO gauge locomotives by...
Sold for £48 Estimated at £50 - £70
Lot 551 - A pair of WRENN OO gauge steam locomotives...
Lot 552 - A pair of WRENN OO gauge Pullman cars...
Lot 553 - A pair of OO gauge locomotives comprising a...
Sold for £50 Estimated at £40 - £60
Lot 554 - A group of HORNBY OO gauge small steam tank...
Lot 555 - A mixed group of OO gauge model railway...
Lot 556 - A mixed group of OO gauge accessories to...
Lot 557 - A large quantity of mostly HORNBY DUBLO OO...
Sold for £30 Estimated at £30 - £50
Lot 558 - A group of OO gauge HORNBY DUBLO mostly 3-rail...
Estimated at £40 - £60
Lot 559 - A OO gauge HORNBY DUBLO EDP12 train set -...
Estimated at £30 - £50
Lot 560 - A pair of OO gauge WRENN steam locomotives...
Sold for £42 Estimated at £40 - £60
Lot 561 - A pair of PECO OO gauge Starter Track Sets...
Sold for £35 Estimated at £40 - £60
Lot 562 - A pair of WRENN OO gauge steam locomotives...
Lot 563 - A pair of WRENN OO gauge W2222 Castle Class...
Sold for £45 Estimated at £40 - £60
Lot 564 - A HORNBY DUBLO 2250/4150 OO gauge BR(S)...
Sold for £120 Estimated at £100 - £150
Lot 565 - A group of OO gauge WRENN steam locomotives...
Sold for £45 Estimated at £50 - £70
Lot 566 - A pair of HORNBY OO gauge steam locomotives...
Sold for £65 Estimated at £50 - £70
Lot 567 - A WRENN OO gauge W2265A streamlined Battle of...
Sold for £300 Estimated at £200 - £400
Lot 568 - A WRENN OO gauge W2209A Class A4 steam...
Sold for £220 Estimated at £70 - £90
Lot 569 - A WRENN OO gauge W2241 Duchess Class...
Lot 570 - A HORNBY DUBLO OO gauge 2233 Co-Bo 2-rail...
Lot 571 - A group of OO gauge rolling stock comprising a...
Lot 572 - A group of five WRENN OO gauge tank wagons...
Lot 573 - A group of four OO gauge locomotives...
Lot 574 - A group of empty WRENN OO gauge locomotive...
Sold for £60 Estimated at £30 - £50
Lot 575 - A large lucky dip lot of OO gauge accessories...
Sold for £35 Estimated at £30 - £50
Lot 576 - A group of three OO gauge locomotives by...