Model Railways is where it all began for Jonathan. First as a boyhood passion, and then he was lucky enough to turn that hobby into his career. First as a dealer and then as an auctioneer and valuer for a number of auction houses before establishing Excalibur Auctions as the go to auction house for Model Railways in the South of England.
From large collections of Model Railways brought to auction as the result of a deceased estate, or simple downsizing, to individual items found in the loft, car boot sales or childhood favourite toys.
Excalibur Auctions prides itself on realising the true potential of Model Railway items by separating items into appropriate sized lots rather than bundling large quantities together.
We're always happy to take any Model Railway items and collectables particularly Hornby, Wrenn Railways, Bachmann, Fleischmann, Atlas, Bassett Lowke and Marklin in all gauges and ages.
If you want to find out what your collection is worth, please don't hesitate to contact us for a FREE valuation - usually possible in the comfort of your own home if you prefer.